Lars Nordby (NO)
Lars Nordby (b.1988, Norway) lives and works in Hamar, Norway, and Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria. Nordby holds a MFA at the Oslo National Academy of Arts in Norway (2016).
Solo exhibitions include Restaging Parallax at ICA - Institute of Contemporary Art in Sofia, Bulgaria (2022); White Card Wardrobe Plot at Gallery Reneenee in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2021); Zinc White Lard at Galleri Sol in Bornholm, Denmark (2021); Old Laughter and Synonyms for Actors at Rafael Mihaylov in Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria (2018); Tango, or Echoes of Conditional Self-Assertion at Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo, Norway (2016); Dear Hilesh at Chicago Art Department, in Chicago, USA (2015); and To Tole at Poznan Biennale in Poznan, Poland (2015). Lars Nordby is also a freelance curator and run the contemporary art gallery Heerz Tooya in Veliko Turnovo in Bulgaria, and is the director of the artist residency ARV.International in Vishovgrad in Bulgaria.
Hulias Cantina: Mellom fjellene og himmelen / Tra le montagne e il cielo
Ada Nilsen (NO)
Kristian Engelsen (NO)
Aksel Ree (NO)
Hedda Hørran (NO)
Marthin Espeland (NO)
Lars Nordby (NO)
Kaare Ruud (NO)
Mia Van Veen (NO)
Kristoffer Zeiner (NO)
Isak Wisløff (NO)
Jørn Aagaard (NO)
Øyvind Bast (NO)


Lars Nordby
Locandina (2023)
Playbills, metal
20 × 14 cm