Marius Engh (NO)
Marius Engh (b. 1974, Oslo) understands objects by their ability to give and retain information, as representatives of a standardized, everyday way of life whose function and meaning refer to a given inheritance. His work appropriates these already existing forms and then replaces them in another context or under new readings, creating a sort of formalist encounter whose expression displaces the predominant cultural narrative, as well as the way of relating to its environment.


Marius Engh
Voiturin à Pintonce I (2019)
Plywood, acrylic paints, uranium glassware, UV-light bulb, electric cord.
95.5 × 89.8 × 49.2 cm

Marius Engh
Voiturin à Pintonce II (2019)
Plywood, acrylic paints, uranium glassware, UV-light bulb, electric cord.
95.5 × 89.8 × 49.2 cm

Marius Engh
Albrecht Dürer/Alfred Jarry — The Martyrdom of St. Catherine (2021)
Publication, Hermetiske Skygger Bouquiniste.
220 × 158 cm
Edition of 34 + 16AP

Marius Engh
Endoscopic Cartridge (2019)
Aluminium, welding, bolts.
90 × 240 × 150 cm

Marius Engh
Reliquarie (Surmâle) (2020)
Objet trouvé wine rack, plywood, paint, metal hinges.
158 × 59.5 × 35.5 cm

Marius Engh
Reliquarie (Bouquiniste) (2020)
Objets trouvé, plywood, metal, paint.
104 × 100 × 70 cm

Marius Engh
Mercure de France (2020)
Signage, digital print, aluminium.
60 × 60 × 0.2 cm

Marius Engh
Franskebåten (Le Bateau), For m.l.w. (2021)
Black and white digital print on self-adhesive photo paper.
86.5 × 131 cm