Marius Mathisrud (NO)
Marius Mathisrud recently relocated his practice to Oslo from Berlin where he had been working since 2018. He graduated from the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (NL) in 2017. Mathisrud works with sculptures, installations, performance and film. Through his practice, Mathisrud challenges the idea of existentialism, social value systems and human behaviour in synergy with pop-cultural references, often in context of scientific bodily enhancements. In his sculptural works he incorporates synthetic materials like epoxy, carbon-fibre and latex. They can coexist in synergy, or live as autonomous pieces.
Mathisrud's film 'FreeDOOM Fighter' was part of ‘Høstutstillingen 2018’ in Oslo (NO) and ‘Ideology Meets Implementation' at W139 in Amsterdam (NL). Mathisrud has also shown works at ArtRotterdam 2019 (NL), Galleri Golsa, Oslo (NO), Galleri CC, Malmö (SE), NESTruimte, Den Haag (NL), Heerz Tooya, Veliko Turnovo (BG), Galleri ClapTrap, Antwerp (BE), Reneenee, Amsterdam (NL), and Top. e.V., Berlin (DE). In 2022 the film THE VOICE IS LOUDEST IN YOUR HEAD which he made together with Oscar Juul-Sørensen (DK) will be part of the opening exhibition of the new Norwegian National Museum of Art.

Marius Mathisrud (NO)
Marius Mathisrud (NO)
Opening: 17.10.25, 18:00—21:00


Marius Mathisrud
11:32 min, vertical video. Stereo audio w/english subs
Photo Credits
Jørn Aagaard