Opening: Journey to the HimaphanBeng Natthawut Yuenyong (NL/TH)28.02.25, 18:00—21:00
Opening: Dolce Casa
25.04.25, 18:00—21:00
Opening: Damla Kilickiran (SE)
30.05.25, 18:00—21:00
Opening: Marius Mathisrud (NO)
17.10.25, 18:00—21:00
Finissage: Esvag vindu gys bort
09.02.25, 13:00—16:00
Opening: Esvag vindu gys bort
24.01.25, 18:00—21:00
Opening: Evig eies også et godt rykte. Og likevel stiger jeg, en annen sol.
01.11.24, 18:00—21:00
Opening: The Salon
17.10.24, 18:00—20:00
Opening: Where are my dreams stored?
31.08.24, 13:00—15:00
Opening: Where are my dreams stored?
30.08.24, 18:00—21:00
Opening: Purest Lounge for Now People
03.08.24, 15:00—17:00
Opening: Og talglysets smil ble sommerfuglens katastrofe / E il sorriso della candela divenne il disastro della farfalla
29.06.24, 10:00—14:00
Opening: All Good Things
14.06.24, 18:00—21:00
Book Launch: Samuel Nyholm / Sany – Strannberg, The Chauvinist Manifesto
11.05.24, 16:00—18:00
Opening: Pan’s socks
05.05.24, 12:00—14:00
Opening: Som av vane
16.02.24, 18:00—21:00
Performance: I Am Undone Vol. 5
13.01.24, 19:00—21:00
Opening: Thousand Island
24.11.23, 18:00—21:00
Oslo Culture Night 2023 (Oslo Kulturnatt)
15.09.23, 18:00—20:00
Opening: Paradise
25.08.23, 18:00—21:00
Performance: Homage AU PAIR at MOMENTUM 12
05.07.23, 15:00—17:00
Performance: Homage AU PAIR at MOMENTUM 12
04.07.23, 15:00—17:00
Opening: Mellom fjellene og himmelen / Tra le montagne e il cielo
01.07.23, 16:00—22:00
Performance: Homage AU PAIR
22.06.23, 19:00—19:50
Performance: Homage AU PAIR
22.06.23, 18:40—19:30
Performance: Homage AU PAIR
22.06.23, 18:20—19:10
Performance: Homage AU PAIR
22.06.23, 18:00—18:50
Performance: Homage AU PAIR
21.06.23, 19:00—19:50
Performance: Homage AU PAIR
21.06.23, 18:40—19:30
Performance: Homage AU PAIR
21.06.23, 18:20—19:10
Performance: Homage AU PAIR
21.06.23, 18:00—18:50
26.05.23, 18:00—21:00
Opening: Velkommen igjen
14.04.23, 18:00—21:00
Opening: Mariusz Maslanka (PL)
03.03.23, 18:00—21:00
Opening: Young Spring
20.01.23, 18:00—21:00
Performance: Nagaver – Kovillam (FR006) Cassette Release
01.12.22, 20:00—22:00
Opening: Said the Snail to the Human
07.10.22, 18:00—21:00
Artist Talk: UKS – How To Practice? No. 39: Max Hannus
19.09.22, 10:00—11:00
Artist Talk: UKS – How To Practice? No. 37: Founders of Hulias
29.08.22, 10:00—11:00
Opening: Lediggang & Tullprat
19.08.22, 18:00—21:00
Summer gathering with Hermetiske Skygger in the backyard
03.06.22, 20:00—23:00
Opening: Lounge for Now People
03.06.22, 18:00—21:00
Oslo Open
24.04.22, 13:00—16:00
Opening: Out of Love
22.04.22, 18:00—21:00
Opening: Lys er bølger i mørke
04.03.22, 18:00—21:00
Opening: Himmelen og treet
21.01.22, 18:00—21:00
Opening: Savage
26.11.21, 18:00—21:00
Performance: "Untitled" by Cythra
14.11.21, 15:00—15:10
Performance: "Untitled" by Cythra
13.11.21, 15:00—15:10
Performance: "Untitled" by Cythra
07.11.21, 15:00—15:10
Performance: "Untitled" by Cythra
06.11.21, 15:00—15:10
Performance: "Untitled" by Cythra
31.10.21, 15:00—15:10
Performance: "Untitled" by Cythra
30.10.21, 15:00—15:10
Performance: "Untitled" by Cythra
24.10.21, 15:00—15:10
Performance: "Untitled" by Cythra
23.10.21, 15:00—15:10
Performance: "Untitled" by Cythra
22.10.21, 20:00—20:10
Opening: The Grand Meeting
22.10.21, 18:00—21:00
Opening: ... And Slumber Might Return
17.09.21, 18:00—21:00
Opening: Phynance Argothique, eller: Slangens velsignelse
13.08.21, 18:00—21:00
Opening: Vi er dine venner
05.06.21, 14:00—18:00
Opening: Schaft
08.05.21, 12:00—18:00
Opening: Third Place Bonbon
05.02.21, 12:00—18:00
Opening: Subsisting
23.10.20, 18:00—21:00